The various birth time calculators take your birth time inaccuracy as an input. They calculate how much the chances are that astrological signs and predictions are either correct or incorrect. If you look at the Moon Signs Calculator for example, you see how far you can be sure about your real moon sign. As long as it is close to 100%, everything is fine. When you reach below 99%, there is a tiny uncertainty already. But as soon as your probability reaches below 90%, predictions become doubtful. Then it would be wise to get your birth time corrected, so that astrology becomes more useful to you. When you get your birth time corrected (astrology experts would say rectified), ask how precise that correction is: Is it precise within minutes, one minute, ten seconds or within one second? This you can take as an input again for the birth time calculators to evaluate the effects of the more accurate birth time.
This one takes your birth time inaccuracy as an input. Enter the maximum inaccuracy in hours, minutes, or even seconds. Do not enter your birth time, but rather how much your birth time information could be different from your real birth time. The output will be the possibility in percent, that the zodiac sign of your moon at birth - your moon sign - is correct or incorrect. The moon does not change zodiac signs too often. So, your birth time can be quite a bit off, before you have to doubt your correct moon sign. In vedic astrology your moon sign would be different. Check the Nakshatra Calculator for this one.
The zodiac calculator takes your birth time inaccuracy as an input. Enter the maximum inaccuracy in hours, minutes, seconds (if available). This is not your real birth time! It is the extent to which you are unsure about the real birth time. The output is the percentage of how much you can be sure about the relationship of your your ascendant, mid-heaven, etc., and your zodiac signs. All your astrological houses are influenced by this factor. So, it is rather important and changes fairly quickly, too. It would change in average every two hours. But even when your birth time is off by more than two hours there is still a chance that by coincidence your ascendant zodiac sign is correct. Yet, it is a bit of a luck game then. It would be more intelligent to get a more precise information, or correct the birth time in such a case.
The solar arc calculator takes your birth time inaccuracy as an input. Enter the maximum inaccuracy in hours, minutes, seconds (if available). Again, do not enter your real birth time, but only the inaccuracy of your birth time. This is how far your birth time could possibly be off. The output will be how many days and weeks all predictions based on solar arc directions can be off. That means if your birth time is incorrect the solar arc predictions will be incorrect. Events, or windows of opportunities, or dangers would be predicted days earlier or later than when they actually occur.
To see the influence of birth time inaccuracies on factors of vedic astrology, check the Vedic Birth Time Calculators.