Do I know my correct moon sign? Use the moon sign calculator to find out. Select or enter your birth time inaccuracy in hours, minutes, seconds. This is not your actual birth time. It rather is the time interval that is unknown towards your real and correct birth time. The moon signs calculator immediately generates an output.
The moon sign calculator tells you how confident you can be about your real moon sign i.e. about the zodiac sign of the moon at the time of your birth. The red number tells you the probability that your moon sign has been calculated wrongly. The green number tells you the probability, or confidence level that your moon sign is correct.
Check Your Birth Time and Inaccurate Birth Times, to read more about the possible inputs to the moon signs and all the other birth time calculators.
Note: Use the up and down buttons on the moon signs calculator to switch to other birth time calculators. The remaining buttons are not activated.
Lunar Calendar and a Lunar Conception Calculator.